There are 3 ‘S’ always stay together in the every field of learning that are student, study and stress. Everyone have experience the anxiety and stress during preparation of exams and during exams whether it is curriculum exams or any competitive exams or any interview. The anxiety of exams works in two ways, one can help to improve the performance and preparation stamina and other can disturb the mental and physical health and reduce the preparation stamina. This situation shows two behaviors of person one is positive and other is negative. If the fear of exam and exam preparation taken in negative manner it can cause stress and nervousness which can affect the potential of performance but if we take the anxiety performance pressure in positive manner it will help to improve the performance and confidence of students.
Positivity always shows good side of students for their betterment but negativity can cause depression, loss of sleep, forgetfulness, irritation, feel exhausted, feel out of control, anger etc. This can affect the ability to prepare for examination and also affect the internal health. Lets talk about something which can help the students to get rid of exam stress and performance anxiety.

1. Prepare a Time-table : If we plan everything according to time, time will help us back. So prepare you time-table as early as possible not only for studies but every other activities too. Plan all your activities of you day like study i.e. what to study, how much time we have to give to studies, daily essential activities, time for rest and entertainment etc. If you plan accordingly and follow all activities as per time-table it will surely help you to reduce preparation anxiety.
2. Keep a Measure of Anxiety Level : The level of exam stress depends on your overall stress level. If your overall stress is high than you are more likely to experience greater stress during exams and exam preparation. So keep yourself calm and stable, sleep well, eat healthy food, don’t overthink, exercise daily etc. It will help you to reduce your overall stress.
3. Always Stay Focused : Keeping focus on your goal will hell to improve performance. If your focus is to get success in exams than it will be visible in your performance. Don’t involve in any type of distraction like social media, internet games etc. Always work as per prepared time-table.
4. Don’t Compare Yourself with Others : Everyone have their own ability to learn and perform. Don’t compare with other, focus on your preparation. Evaluate yourself time to time, check the progress and have a belief that you can do it.
5. Keep an Evaluation Schedule : Try to keep an evaluation schedule on your preparation. Your preparation should be proceed as per time-table and decided milestone. Sometime test anxiety can accelerate if you loose track of time while preparation as well as while taking test.
6. Don’t Compromise Your Health : Sometime because of pressure and stress we compromise our health. Always take your health seriously, eat properly, have a good sleep, meditate daily, exercise daily and keep yourself hygienic during preparation as well as exams. Its very important to be healthy because it directly affect your performance.
7. Try to be Ahead : We can avoid exam stress and preparation anxiety by keeping ourselves ahead from decided time. Appear in mock test, quizzes time to time. Don’t wait for a night before exams. Keep a track on preparation and during exams. Try to reach early at the venue so you can have little time to relax your mind.
8. Always Takeout Some Me Time : Relaxation always work like a therapy during phase of anxiety. Always keep a me time for yourself to relax your mind. Do your favorite activities, listen and play music. Play with your friends, it will boost your mind and also improve the mental health.
9. Reach Out for Help : Whenever you feel anxious try to speak with someone. Your friends, parents, teachers, mentors etc. Always try to take correct guidance from your supporters. Don’t hesitate to take help from your guide, well-wishers and family