Industry 4.0 means fourth industrial revolution. 4th industrial revolution represent rapid change to technology, industrial and societal patterns in 21st century due to increase in automation and information technology. Industry 4.0 is not restricted to one field only. It is applicable on every field and profession like engineering, medical, pharma, management etc. We need to understand the concepts of industry 4.0 for future growth.
Industrial revolution has been started from 17th century. People are upgrading themselves from very long ago. From manual to mechanical, mechanical to automation, computerized, robotics etc. are major changes has been done till now.
During pandemic we were completely dependent on technology like online study, online teaching, online shopping, online entertainment even online medical facilities. This prove that people are getting dependent on technology very rapidly and they want rapid changes in various fields to make their life more easier. In current scenario scientists are making robots who can act like human that prove the next level of industrial revolution.
Now lets understand the concept of industrial revolution from the beginning.
Fourth industrial revolution has been popularized by founder and chairman of world economic forum Klaus Schwab in 2015. This is the phase of combining technologies with artificial intelligence and advance robotics.
Industrial revolution means making changes in existing methodology to get advanced and updated methods for fundamental transformation of society for their betterment. In simple word to make changes in current technology for society benefit or to make their working and living better.
First industrial revolution has been started in 17th century . It was related to transition from hand production to machine through use of steam and water.
Second industrial revolution started in 18th century and extended till 19th century. It was related to electricity, mass production, installation of extensive railroad and telegraph network for faster movement. It increase productivity.
Third industrial revolution was started in late 20th century. It was a digital revolution. This was the era of computers, electronics, and information technology to automate production.
Now this is the time of 4th industrial revolution and we are in beginning stage. It tend toward automation, data exchange in manufacturing technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning, industrial internet of things,. It is considered as the age of imagination.
Machines are operating without human or more efficiently than human with the help of machine learning, robotics which allow the machine to perform highly complicated jobs. Most of the industries are operating with CNC machine, computers are handling all the tasks of machines whether it is related to manufacturing or related to assembly, packaging, transportation etc. There is a very less intervention of human in production work.
Automatics cars, driverless cars, robotic arm, laser surgery, laser treatment, 3D printers, predictive maintenance, E-learning, Inventions in agriculture, apps, websites etc are examples of 4th industrial revolution. We are in very early stage. These innovations and updates will be continue with time & future.
4th Industrial revolution is beneficial in many terms like digitization of industries, manufacturing, service, maintenance, structuring can run as per advancement. It is helping people by providing different gadgets for their personal and professional work. It is saving the time and energy. There are various advantages of IR4.0 but its comes with many challenges also like excessive investment, data security issue, lack if privacy, loss of jobs, scarcity of skilled workers, Environmental issues, like pollution, depletion etc. But people are adapting these changes very rapidly and these innovations will be continue in future for betterment and comfort of human.